Mental Health

Crisis times:

If you feel you are in crisis you can call 111 and select option 2, this is a single point of contact which people can access 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. When you call you will be connected with a trained member of staff who will provide timely and appropriate support and advise


REST is a partnership project that brings together mental health support, local services and a place where everyone can feel welcome. REST stands for – Recover, Eat, Support and Talk, reflecting the different ways we can be more connected in our community.

Visit REST: 11 – 6pm Monday to Friday, Breckland House, St Nicholas Street, Thetford, IP24 1BT

REST Thetford riverside Walk offers a café and Evening Crisis Sanctuary open 9:30 – 3:30pm 7 days a week: 16 Riverside Walk, Thetford, IP24 2BG

Telephone: 0330 330 5488

Website: Norfolk and Waveney Mind – REST Thetford


Pit Stop brings men together through activities and conversations to build friendships and connections. Pit stops cover a variety of interests and activities ranging from board games, creative arts, walks, talks and fishing.

Find events at:

Thetford: Thursdays 2 – 4pm – Charles Burrell Centre, Staniforth Road, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 3LH

Watton: Wednesdays 2 – 4pm – Watton Youth & Community Centre, Harvey Street, Watton, Norfolk, IP25 6EB

Email: Steve Hunt –

Website: Thetford Pit Stop – Menscraft


Mind can help with: abuse support, addiction and dependency support, advocacy, bereavement, crisis service, housing, insurance cover and mental health, learning disability support, LGBTQIA+ mental health, money and mental health, peer support, talking therapies and counselling, support for emergency responders.

You can contact MIND via their website, they offer emergency advise if you feel you may seriously harm yourself or attempt suicide. They also offer crisis resources which is if you are in a crisis but it is not a medical emergency, there is also a helpline you can contact them on which you can call or email.

Telephone: 0300 123 3393


Post: Mind Infoline, PO Box 75225, London, E15 9FS – they are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays)

You can also contact their legal help line for legal information and general advice about mental health regulated law on :0300 466 6463

Post: Mind Legal line, PO Box 75225, London, E15 9FS – they are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays)

If you contact MIND via email, you can expect a reply within 5 days, if you contact them via post, you can also expect to hear within 5 days or 15 days if you have emailed regarding legal line enquiries

Website: Information and support – Mind


If you need someone to talk to no matter what you are going through, you can call the Samaritans for free on: 116 123 or write them an email to:

Samaritans are also working on having an online chat if you are not comfortable to speak over the phone. They also have an app that you can download.

They also offer support for if you are worried about someone else’s mental health.

Website: Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

NHS Talking Therapies Norfolk and Waveney also known as Norfolk and Waveney Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Service offer free help and support to improve wellbeing and manage stress, low mood and anxiety. Their aim is to reduce the onset of mental ill health, prevent deterioration and promote recovery by offering a range of online workshops, talking therapies, employment support, peer support and social activities.

Telephone: 0300 123 1503


Steam house Café

The safe café-styled safe space with fully trained multidisciplinary team that offer holistic support to adults experiencing mental health crisis day or night.

Visit Steam house café: 10 – 4pm Monday to Friday. Tanner Street, Thetford.

You can self-refer online.

Telephone: 01842 818361


Beat (Eating disorders)

Beat provides helplines for all people of all ages offering support and information about eating disorders no matter where you are in your journey. They also offer help to family to help support

Their helplines are open 365 days a year from 1 – 9pm during the week and 5 – 9pm on weekends and bank holidays.

Sometimes their lines are busy but you can try again or try a one-to-one webchat or send them an email.

Telephone: 0808 8010677


Website: Helplines – Beat (


Wellbeing offers support for anyone who is feeling stressed, anxious, low or depressed. They offer workshops to help people recognise and develop strategies to cope with stresses and strains that we all experience in life, mental health and emotional issues. You can register for these online, a few examples of workshops they offer include: menopause and women’s health, coping with financial stress, anxiety tool kit, improving your sleep, living well with baby, coping with bereavement and many more. You can book these via their website

Wellbeing offers support though online workshops, online support, support for people ages 16 – 19, short term one-on-one therapies and counselling

They also offer self-help which provides advise and support to people to improvise their emotional health. They offer self-help support on mental health, living with long term conditions, and other helpful advice such as educational advice, employment advise, resources for older people, health problems and many more.

You can self-refer by filling in a form on their website

Telephone: 0330 123 1503
Monday – Friday 9 – 5pm (apart from bank holidays)


Write: Wellbeing Norfolk & Waveney
The Conifers
Drayton High Road

Website: Self-referral – The Wellbeing Service Norfolk and Waveney (

TEXT SHOUT to 85258

You can text SHOUT to 85258 for support and guidance no matter what the issue when you feel you need immediate support. The SHOUT volunteers will be there to provide 24/7 support.

SHOUT is a de-escalation service, and every conversation is overseen by a clinical supervisor and assessed for risk. They will never close a conversation if there is an imminent risk to anyone. Once you text SHOUT you will receive an automated reply asking you about the nature of the problem, they will aim to respond to you within 5 minutes, but the wait can vary during busy times. Once connected the volunteer will introduce themselves and you will communicate back and forth.

They also offer helpful resources on their website which include things such as bullying, cost of living, eating disorders, self-harm, men’s mental health and many more.

This service should not be a continued use and should only be used for if you feel you need immediate help

Website: FAQ | Shout 85258 (

All To Play For

All To Play For is a weekly socially inclusive drop-in football programme for men aged 18+ struggling with poor mental health, it is open for anyone to join and is completely free. At most sessions, mental health professionals and local support services are present to offer assistance and guidance for those who want to access it. If they are not there, a member of the team will be available to direct you.

Just turn up: Thursday 10 – 11am Breckland Leisure Centre, Croxton Rd, Thetford, IP24 1JD

Website: All to Play For – Mental Health Programme in Norfolk (