Attendance Rates Remain Over 96% for February

We’re thrilled to share some positive news about appointments here at School Lane. Last month, over 96% of our patients attended their scheduled appointments!

We truly appreciate everyone who makes it a priority to keep their appointments. This helps us ensure efficient use of limited resources and allows us to see as many patients as possible. Thank You!

While we understand things can come up unexpectedly, occasionally appointments are missed. If you ever find yourself unable to make your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible. This allows us to offer the appointment to another patient in need.

During February we had over 6,600 appointments. Of these, only a tiny fraction, representing 3.8% patients did not arrive (or, to use NHS jargon… DNA’d).

Here’s a quick breakdown of our February attendance rates:

  • 99.6% of patients saw their GP.
  • 96.5% of patients saw a member of our nursing team.
  • 99.6% of patients saw another healthcare professional (such as physiotherapist, mental health practitioner or Advanced Practitioner*)

While we saw a slight increase in missed appointments compared to January, it is still great news that the overall attendance rate is above 96%.

It’s important to remember that missed appointments impact valuable NHS resources. For example, the 27 missed GP appointments last month cost the NHS approximately £2,097.

By working together, we can ensure these essential resources are used efficiently, benefiting our entire community.

If you ever need to cancel an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

*For further information about the range of roles at the surgery, please see our news item “The Power of Teamwork: Roles within School Lane Surgery”