To request an appointment for this service, please visit our appointments page.
Providing healthcare for the Thetford and Watton area
Thetford and Watton GPs are taking part in a project to improve patient access to primary care services for their patients, by working together for the benefit of their patients.
Additional appointments will be available:
- Between 6:30pm and 8pm every weekday evening
- On Saturday mornings
- Sundays and bank holidays
Patients registered with any participating GP surgery within the Thetford and Watton area will be able to have an appointment at these extra clinics.
Enhanced access GP surgeries
- Grove Surgery
- School Lane Surgery
- Watton Medical Practice
All appointments need to be pre-booked, either in advance or on the day.
Please note this is not a walk in service, and does not replace the service provided by our local minor injuries unit or A&E.
How to book an enhanced access appointment
Please contact the practice as normal. Please see our appointments page for how to book.
The practice will offer you an appointment based on what is available. If you choose an enhanced access appointment, the reception staff will tell you where the clinic is being held and the times of the available appointments. If this is convenient an appointment will be booked for you.
It is very likely the appointment will not be with your usual GP, and the health professional you see may be from another surgery.
You will be asked for your consent for your medical record to be accessed by the GP you see. Information about your consultation will be entered into your record, and your usual GP will be able to see this.
The reception staff will ask you for a brief indication of why you want to be seen. This is not because they are being intrusive, but in some cases it may be better for you to see your own GP or other health professional and they are simply trying to ensure the most appropriate appointment is booked for you.
This is to avoid wasting your time, and to allow these enhanced access appointments to be used to maximum advantage for all Thetford and Watton patients.
Who can be seen at an enhanced access clinic?
These appointments are for anyone registered at a Thetford or Watton GP surgery. If you have already seen your own GP about a problem, or you have a long term condition and are currently receiving treatment, it may be more appropriate for you to see your own GP who already knows about your condition and any tests/treatments you have received.
Consent to access your medical record
To treat you appropriately, the healthcare professional you see will need access to your medical record and you will be asked for your consent to this when booking.
When you arrive for your appointment, you will again be asked for consent to your record being accessed.
If you have changed your mind and do not give your consent, then we will not be able to see you and you will need to rebook to be seen the practice.
Attending for your enhanced access appointment
Please arrive on time or at least five minutes early for your appointment. If you are late, you will not be seen.
Further investigations
Following your consultation, if you need to have further investigations such as blood tests or x-rays, or you need to be referred to a specialist at the hospital, this will be done and your usual GP will be aware of the referral. Please see out test results page for more information.
If you need to take medication for your condition, such as antibiotics, you will be given a paper prescription which you can then take to any pharmacy to be fulfilled.
After your appointment
If you have any further concerns or feel you need to be seen again, you should contact the practice. Your first point of contact should always be your own GP surgery who will be able to help you.
If you need to make a complaint about the Breckland enhanced access service, please visit our feedback and complaints page for how to do this.