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Use and experience of the NHS app among people 16 to 30 (Survey)

Healthwatch Norfolk is the independent voice for patients and service users in the county. We gather people’s views of health and social care services in Norfolk and make sure they are heard by the people in charge.

The NHS app is a free digital application developed by the NHS to give patients simple and secure access to a range of health services and information through their electronic devices.

Although the NHS app is proving popular with people, some age groups use the app more than others. Healthwatch Norfolk is currently working with NHS Norfolk and Waveney (NWICB) to understand what could be done to boost the uptake of the NHS app among 16 to 30 years old.

We would like to hear from both users and non-users of the NHS App and there is the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher for those who complete the questionnaire!