Nurse manager
Sandy Smith, female
Nursing team lead
Kelly Dives, female
Kelly qualified in 2012 from the UEA and worked for 6 months in the NNUH before moving to the community working as a community nurse in Thetford and Watton for the past 11 years. Kelly recently joined the School Lane team as nursing lead. Currently undertaking general clinics including child immunisations, wound care and learning disability reviews. Kelly is married with 2 boys, loves weekends away, holidays and going out for dinner.

Susan Taylor, female
Sue trained and qualified as nurse at The Royal Masonic Hospital in 1982. She worked in theatre recovery before moving to the Darlington Memorial Hospital in Yorkshire where she discovered a love of out-patient nursing for the surgical and X-ray departments. She then moved to Germany to do private nursing for 5 years. When she returned to England, she joined the Thetford Cottage Community Hospital as a phlebotomist for a number of years before joining School Lane surgery in 2005. Sue set up the vasectomy clinic and blood room but has now moved on to long term conditions and general nurse clinics. She is commonly known as the treatment room nurse or Nanny Sue. Sue is one of our anticoagulant nurses and is trained in phlebotomy, minor injuries, suture removal, dressings, ear washouts, smears, coil removals, non-diabetic long term conditions and many vaccines.
Anna-Marie Scarfe, female
Kerry Gee, female
Kerry Qualified in 2003 at Homerton school of Health Studies. She worked as a staff nurse in Hepatology at Addenbrookes Hospital for 7 years and becoming a Junior sister. She then took a year sabbatical and travelled the world with my husband backpacking. On her return she joined Angel hill surgery as a practice nurse, where she developed new skills and found a new interest in diabetes. She joined the School Lane team in 2020 working with patients living with diabetes, educating and supporting. Kerry is married and has children both girls. She enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time she is out running and ran the London Marathon in 2022.