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Test results

Phlebotomy service

Blood tests are undertaken at the Healthy Living Centre daily from 8:30am to 12:30pm. If you need a blood test, please book an appointment.

As this is a joint phlebotomy service with Grove Surgery, we cannot guarantee that you will see a nurse or healthcare assistant from your own practice. By attending the joint phlebotomy service, you are consenting to staff from Grove or School Lane Surgeries accessing your medical records to treat you as a part of this service.

  • Antenatal blood tests – These must also be booked in advance
  • Fasting blood tests – If you have been asked to have a fasting blood test, you should not have any food or drink (except water) from 8pm the night before.

Please ensure that you request your test results after 2:30pm, one week after your blood test.

Getting your test results

We are trying to improve the ways you can receive your test results. We hope to have some results available for you online/using this website.

We request that you do not assume that a result is normal if we do not contact you. The surgery will contact you if there is a significant problem with your results, but please contact us for all results, as the GP may have made some suggestions or advice based on your results even if there is not a significant problem.

Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can view them:

Questions about your results

If you want to talk to someone about your results, fill out a test results request form and someone will be in touch.

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 20 February 2025