Community midwives
The midwives provide antenatal and post-natal care, and can be contacted on 01842 767619.
Community nurses
The nurses provide nursing care of the acutely and chronically sick, usually in the patient’s own home. If you require this service or home assistance, please contact the surgery.
Health visitors
A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women.
Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.
0300 300 0123
Smoking cessation adviser
If you are a smoker and would like to give up, please see our wellbeing section. Alternatively, please call 0800 085 4113, or ask reception to process this referral for you.
If you have been advised to self refer to physio, please call 03330 433966, or visit our referrals page.
Portuguese interpreter
An interpreter is based at School Lane Surgery on the following days and times:
- Mondays, 08:30 to 12:30. 14:00 to 17:00
- Wednesdays, 08:30 to 12:30
- Fridays, 8:30 to 12:30